Travel and Practical Information > How to come


Biarritz is connected by two airports

Bayonne Anglet Biarritz International Airport  

  • Paris : daily flights to Orly and Roissy (Air France & EasyJet)
  • Lyon : daily and direct flights
  • Lille : 2 weekly flights from 28th march 2013
  • Marseille : 3 weekly flights
  • Nice : 2 weekly flights
  • Strasbourg : weekly flights (3 weekly flights from 31th may 2013)
  • International flights to Birmingham, Bruxelles, Copenhague, Dublin, Genève, Helsinki, Londres, Luxembourg, Madrid, Southampton, Stockholm.

San Sebastian Airport (in Hondarribia

The airport is just 10 minutes by car from Hendaye (on the N.1)
Daily flights to Madrid, Barcelona and Palma de Mallorca 


With a TGV station and a dense TER network, Biarritz is quickly accessible by train.

2 hours from Bordeaux, 1 hour from Pau, 2h30 from Toulouse and 5h30 from Paris Montparnasse.

Information at Biarritz station and on


Regular bus line: SNCF station La Négresse / Downtown Chronoplus line Tel: (+33) 5 59 24 26 53 

Provenances Main roads Paris - Madrid and Ventimille - Hendaye. Several TGVs per day from Paris - Gare Montparnasse and Lille


Biarritz is served by the motorways A63 and A64 (exit 4)
Paris (789 km) / Lyon (735 km) / Marseille (708 km) / Bordeaux (187 km) / Clermont-Ferrand (555 km) / Lyon (735 km) / Montpellier (534 km) / Nantes (512 km) / Pau (115 km) / Toulouse (350 km) / Spain (25 km) / Bilbao (160 km) / Madrid (550 km

Car Rental - The car rental companies are located at the Airport:


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