
Welcome to the website of the 5th MMS Workshop 2019 

The fifth Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) community workshop will be held on October 21-24, 2019, at the "Le Bellevue" Congress Center in Biarritz (France). This workshop is open to the broad scientific community with interest in magnetic reconnection and other, MMS-related, science topics.

Breakout sessions will be held on Monday 21 and the full community science workshop will be on October 22-24. All sessions will be located at the Conference Center "Le Bellevue" in the center of town.




Scientific Organizing Committee

Benoit Lavraud (IRAP)

Sergio Toledo-Redondo (IRAP)

Tai Phan (SSL/Berkeley)

Jim Burch (SwRI)


Local Organizing Committee

Benoit Lavraud (IRAP)

Sergio Toledo-Redondo (IRAP)

Sid Fadanelli (IRAP)

Rungployphan Kieokaew (Exeter/IRAP)

Dolorès Granat (IRAP)

Dorine Roma (IRAP)




Key Dates

Submission and registration

Already open!

Early registration deadline

August 31, 2019

Abstract and submission deadline

September 30, 2019

Online user: 7